Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh, the Horror!

This is simply embarrassing! I'm almost 2 years old, and I'm still getting my picture taken in the bathtub!!

As you may realize, this spring has been incredibly rainy, which means that every time I go outside, I get my feet very muddy. Usually, I just wipe them off on a towel, but today when I came indoors after lunch, I was greeted with an unwelcome surprise.


A bath!!! YUCK.

MC gave me no warning; she just dropped me in the sink, and before I knew it, I had been lathered from head to toe. Shampooing turned to rinsing and rinsing turned to towel drying. And I thought I was safe.

I thought I was safe from the Hair Dryer Monster.

But no, MC let that noisy beast out of its cage underneath the sink and it chased me around the bathroom until I was ready to jump in the trash can just to escape.

I have photo-documented the experience in case this should become a legal matter. I do hate litigation, and suing MC would be the last thing I'd WANT to do, but when she pulls a stunt like this, I may have no choice. I mean, with no warning... I had to take a bath AND get dried off. Now mind you, she didn't hurt me in any way, but my pride is definitely injured.

I'm off to my suite to take a little nap and decompress from the traumatic experience today. Hope you all have a more peaceful day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Early Morning Fun!

I didn't get to post yesterday because MC was using the laptop ALL DAY, and I ended up taking a rather long nap in the afternoon. So I am making sure I get in a post today.

As you might guess from the title, MC and I were up early playing chase around the couch. She doesn't move real fast at 2:30 a.m., so it was a little boring at first, but the more exasperated she got with being chased, the more fun it got! hee hee

MC fell asleep with me in her arms, and so around midnight, I got up and took care of some tasks that I was unable to complete during the day. I chewed on the crocs for awhile; arranged Bunny, Mr. Giraffe, and Puppy in their respective places; and last but not least, I practiced my "a human is near the door" voice. I guess that's what woke up MC.

Above are some action shots from this morning's chase. MC doesn't get a ton of exercise, so it was good to see her up and about, stretching her legs, preparing for an early morning run. Sadly, she never got out the door, and I returned to my luxury suite for the rest of the morning.

Some people just need help having a good time.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What a Croc!

Today was rather uneventful; my companion (I'll refer to her as MC) took several naps. This means I was either wrapped up with her in that gawd-awful snuggie or stuck in my crate trying to look interested in one of my toys. Don't get me wrong... I think naps are a terrific thing, but only when they are my idea first.

As you can see from the photo here, I did find some amusement in the day. With the weather beginning to (slowly) change to warm, MC has started wearing these weird shoes she calls "crocs." I have no idea what she sees in these shoes (or any shoes for that matter), because as far as I'm concerned, they're a waste of good chewing material. Needless to say, I have been trying to communicate this fact to MC, but she is not taking the hint well. I started by delicately taking the shoe in my teeth while her back was turned and parading silently through the living area. MC ignored this, however, which left me no choice but to announce that I had the shoe. Once she came to investigate, I gave her a polite play bow and showed her how much fun it is to chew on these shoes. Well, she was so excited, she decided she wanted to try it herself and attempted to grab the shoe. I am too fast for her, though, and was behind the couch in a second. I have to make her really, really want to chew on these shoes. And nothing increases desire like deprivation.

The demonstration ended when light refreshments were served, which turned out to be a little piece of Pupperoni, a sorry excuse for a snack. Sadly, the shoes disappeared during the snack break, and I was unable to continue the demonstration the rest of the afternoon. To those of you who are a little more savvy when it comes to shoes than MC, I advise you to experience all the advantages of shoes. Because if you're only wearing them, you're hardly getting your money's worth. And crocs are expensive!

Note: I do not endorse brands, nor am I paid to mention them in this blog. Any reference to brand names should be taken as anecdotal information only.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

People Fancy

Given my size and stature, most people fancy me the typical canine. And sure, I enjoy walks at dawn and sunset. I want relief from itching caused by the common flea. And I appreciate a hearty kibble. But I am far from the usual dog. For instance, just today I chased a giraffe, watered more than a dozen lawns, and investigated a strange odor emanating from the kitchen. However, I think the most remarkable thing about my life is that I am able to get my companion to scratch my belly and chase me on command.

A bit about my companion... she is of the female persuasion and fairly tall, which is probably her one advantage over me. (No pun intended) I really like living with her; she brings me my food regularly and is quite good at "throw the ball." She and I moved around quite a bit last year after escaping a rather scary situation. I had to send her away for a retreat a couple of times, and up until a couple of days ago, I honestly thought she was going to need another one. However, she seems to be spontaneously rebounding in energy, which is good for me, because it is frustrating to be unable to take her on daily walks. Anyway, we are pretty settled for the time being. She works at a pet resort where they spend the whole day serving canines like me meals, coming on walks, and following behind our type with a mop and pooper scooper.

I have actually been there several times, and I enjoy the all-day retreat the resort offers. I think humans have something similar -- like if you cross their country club with those Kiwanis meetings. However, I prefer a more laid-back afternoon with one of my personal friends. Archie is my best friend and Izzy is my girlfriend. We don't always see eye-to-eye, but they are stand-up canines.

This blog has been a long time coming, and fortunately, I was able to sneak on the laptop today while my companion was lounging on the sofa. Although my days are fairly typical, I see quite a bit and have a lot of thoughts about what I do see. I feel privileged to be able to share it with a wide audience, and I hope you will return to this blog time and again as I post on my daily adventures!